Three To Six

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John the Baptist and the Holy Spirit

Threetosix offers a terms lesson on The Holy Spirit and Baptism. It is really important for children to learn very early on about the Trinity. However, this is a big subject for small people, let alone adults and new Christians to the faith. So with the hindsight of being able to work with children from age 3 all the way up to age 12, threetosix have designed lessons to suit your class age groups.

The little ones learn about a loving Jesus that left his love behind so protect us and look after us and without scaring with them we compare it to the powers of those they recognise in the world - superman, batman and always a favourite spiderman. We talk about their “super powers” and then we reassure them that these are just cartoons, however we have been left with a super power that God gave us and this is the Holy Spirit.

For the older ones we delve into the trinity, gee dont you wish that you had been given this teaching before you hit adult hood! We teach them all about Jesus leaving us and his last days and his promises that he would leave one behind for us. They learn and digest that the Holy Spirit is a He and someone that we have and should be talking to daily. What is amazing is how the older children have such intelligent questions and helping them answer those questions enables them to grow their faith and walk with the Holy Spirit.

When it comes to Baptism and John the Baptist, once again the younger children get the fun version of a man who loved Jesus and wandered the dessert telling people about him, how he lived on insects and grew a long beard. The older ones get to understand that baptism is a public declaration of their faith and the bible tells us to be baptised so that we can be born again in a new life with Jesus who sits at the right hand of God advocating for us.

Here we are up on stage with our River Jordan and the children being “pretend baptised”, lots of water on heads after they have ducked down into the River Jordan and yes the Dove floating over Jesus’ head.

If you would like to receive the Holy Spirit curriculum and the Baptism lessons with all the fun crafts that cement the learning, please do contact us through the website. We look forward to hearing from you.